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Other Residential Inspections

WestPoint Inspections delivers several other types of residential inspections, including termites, pool and spa, hurricane readiness and re-inspections.






Termites can be a home's worst enemy. Although many homes in the Cayman Islands are built primarily of concrete blocks, cement and steel, many homes exist where wood framing has been used for interior walls and second story, exterior walls.


Prevention is the best solution, and is best served by termite inspections - particularly in conjunction with the purchase or sale of a home. A termite inspection is a visual inspection of the readily accessible areas of a home for evidence of WDIs (Wood Destroying Insects) and WDOs (Wood Destroying Organisms).


The inspector inspects the entire interior and exterior of the property and will also access and inspect the attic and all related wood components.


After the inspection has been performed, the inspector reports findings and provides an accurate and detailed WDI/WDO inspection report using simple, consistent terms that are easy to understand. 





Our pool inspection is a review of the type and general condition of the visible and accessible components of the pool and/or spa system, including pool equipment, safety conditions, pumps, filters, heaters (if present), lights, drains, copings, tiles, fences and gates.





When storms and hurricane warnings are targeting the Cayman Islands, you need assurance that your home is prepared and ready to withstand the threatening weather.


WestPoint Inspections will perform a hurricane readiness inspection. Do you have enough/appropriate hurricane shutters? Are they functional, and is there more you could be doing to protect your home and family? We will test the functionality of each opening and equipment, point-out hazard areas and provide a detailed report of our findings.





If some areas were not inspected for any reason (i.e. inaccessible areas) we provide a re-inspection service to review and inspect the areas missed during the initial inspection.


We also provide re-inspection of items corrected after the initial inspection report and findings.





WestPoint Inspections provides a number of specialty inspections, including New Construction, Pre-Lease, Post-Lease (for absentee property owners), Post Storm/Hurricanes, and other specialty inspections delivered upon request.  

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